Bocah lagi belajar ga pakai dot?? Aku rekomendasi banget training cup Dr. Brown Hard Spout. Selain karena BPA free , cupnya ini juga ada pengamannya di dalam, jadi airnya keluar kalau bocah menghisap airnya aja. Ga tumpah-tumpah deh.
Sebelum pakai training cup Dr. Brown, sempet beli beberapa training cup lain buat Gyan, tapi biar bilangnya ga bakal tumpah, tetep aja pada tumpah. Entah silikon pengamannya lepas-lepas, ada juga yang pengamannya malah ga bisa di pasang. Kalau yang ini bener-bener ga tumpah sama sekali. Puas banget pas pake.
Ini produk yang masuk wishlist emaknya. Punya Gyan yang lama ukuran 180 ml, udah kelamaan dan sudah harus ganti. Mulai rewel dia karena airnya jadi susah dihisap sedangkan dia ga bisa tidur kalau ga ada air minum di dekatnya. Bisa tiba-tiba bangun kalau pas haus ngantuk-ngantuk ga bisa minum. Dot sih udah ga kita kasih dari sebulan lalu gara-gara baru seminggu ganti silikonnya udah bolong gede digigitin, dia juga ga keberatan ga pake dot. Pokoknya harus ada air minum di dekatnya, bisa susu, bisa air putih.
Belinya di mana?? Di outlate Mother Care atau shoponline ada. Di Mother Care 130rbuan. Lebih murah dari yang soft spout malah hahahha.
Harganya lumayan, tapi ga bohong deh ama kualitasnya.
Keterangan Produk
Dr. Brown's Hard Spout Insulated Cup - Blue
Age: 12 months and above
Material: BPA-Free
Hard Spout
Dishwasher safe
Made of Bisphenol A (BPA)-free material, Dr. Brown’s Insulated Cup is certified durable, made to withstand your child even on his or her most uncomfortable. Recommended for kids age 12 months and above, the training cup is lightweight and made spill-proof, so you can bring it outside or just about anytime your child needs to drink. The insulation feature helps keep the drink warm or cold for a longer period compared to normal bottles. It’s easy to clean and dishwasher-safe, to boot.
Material: BPA-Free
Hard Spout
Dishwasher safe
Made of Bisphenol A (BPA)-free material, Dr. Brown’s Insulated Cup is certified durable, made to withstand your child even on his or her most uncomfortable. Recommended for kids age 12 months and above, the training cup is lightweight and made spill-proof, so you can bring it outside or just about anytime your child needs to drink. The insulation feature helps keep the drink warm or cold for a longer period compared to normal bottles. It’s easy to clean and dishwasher-safe, to boot.
Harga: +/- Rp. 130.000
Nilai: 5 dari 5